Sunday, April 3, 2011

Looking Forward to a Wonderful Summer

Spring has sprung! I have a lot of different things I want to do this summer with Mrf. We are going to start our new garden next weekend if the weather is permitting. The number one thing we are planting is PUMPKINS! I am hoping to get enough pumpkins to give to all of Mikey's cousins. So we will need 7 of them. Next item is sunflowers. I love how a sunflower can bring life to garden. And then, tomatoes and peppers. Since this is my first official garden, we are starting off small. In the flowers beds, I want to do poppy's.

We are hitting the beach a lot this summer too! I have a Kmart rewards card and it totally paid off. I racked up $14.00 in the rewards saving so when i went to go buy my beach chair, I got it for 75 cents! I just paid tax. I love deals like that. Practically free! Being a single mom, I will taking savings any where I can get them. I even clip coupons now. If you do it right, it is worth the time.

So Mrf is almost 5 now! We are getting him into Kindergarten this year. He has these wonderful creative conversations. And totally has an opinion of his own. I have an issue with him back talking and his major issue with wanting to disagree about everything. It sometimes gets to the point were I won't speak with him until he acts better. But it is all part of growing up I guess...

My family life is really crazy right now, but if you know us you know what is up. It was the 1 year anniversry of my niece accident. So I was not looking forward to reliving that day. I was glad it was on April Fool's cuz I turned the day around with a good prank on my mom. Lol. I changed my profile status from "In a relationship" to "Engaged." Knowing my Aunt would call my mom as soon as she saw it. My mom flipped out saying, "He never talked to your dad! He never asked for your hand!" I had her thinking I was taking off to Vegas before Phil leaves for the season to work. Then when she was about to cry, I said: "Mom you know me well enough to not be surprised when I say, "April Fools!" After that she was pissed. Haha. It was great. Love ya mom!

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